The arm, elbow, forearm and hand is a hugely important part of the human body. Daily, we are capable of both huge amounts of strength, and fine, dextrous movement patterns with our hands. Biomechanically, this area is complex, and injury to your elbow or wrist have a follow-on affect too many activities of daily living.
More often than not issues arising with the wrist hand and forearm can be attributed to overuse injuries - one of the worst culprits is long hours at the computer.
There are numerous joints, nerves and ligaments and many muscles and tendons that cross the forearm, wrist and hand. As a general rule, pain from the elbow stems from the shoulder, and pain in the wrist stems from the elbow, so you can appreciate that when examining, diagnosing or treating this area, you have to assess the whole arm.
Our team assesses wrists and elbows holistically as Osteopathy can be an alternative to other manual therapists like chiropractors, physiotherapists and massage therapists. We will look at the alignment of the bones and joints as well as at the tension in the muscles. We also take a whole-body approach and want to find other areas that may be contributing to your pain.
Our osteopaths will assess whether a wrist and elbow problem may be influenced biomechanically by other body regions. This whole-body approach means the osteopath may be able to reduce pain and improve mobility more efficiently.
Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis)
Golfers elbow (medial epicondylitis)
Bicep tendonitis or tear
Myofascial pain with trigger points
Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)
Nerve entrapment
Joint sprains
Carpal tunnel
Rheumatoid arthritis
Ganglion cysts
Raynaud's phenomenon