Dr Kirsty Greenwood (osteopath) explains cranial osteopathy
Osteopathy in the cranial field, also referred to as OCF, Cranial Osteopathy, and Craniosacral Osteopathy, was developed by Dr. William G. Sutherland, DO. It is gentle, safe and effective. He found that throughout the body there is an inherent motion. He called this the Primary Respiratory Mechanism (PRM).
OCF often combines indirect and direct procedures that work with the body's inherent rhythmic motions. It is commonly used in adults as a treatment for headaches or temporomandibular joint dysfunction syndrome and in infants for treatment of symptoms related to head position preference, torticollis, breastfeeding difficulties, and body asymmetry. OCF techniques are not limited to the skull, sacrum and spine, but are used throughout the body.
By lightly putting our hands over the skull and any other parts of the body, we can feel the quality and rhythm of the PRM movement. During cranial osteopathy treatment, subtle palpation merges into treatment as your osteopath encourages change. Although known as ‘cranial’, this technique is used to treat the entire body to influence the PRM. It is the very specific application of light pressure to meet the tissue tension in the body and around the skull to assist the natural ability of the body to release stresses and tension.
A quote from W. G Sutherland explains the process simply: The aim is to ‘allow the physiological function within to manifest its own unerring potency rather than apply a blind force from without.’ (W. G. Sutherland, 1947). In essence, we work with you to enhance your own body’s ability to heal. We listen to your body and follow its lead. I often say to patients your body knows far more about you than I ever will, if I listen to what it has to say I am always going to get a better result. By listening and applying cranial osteopathy we can begin unwinding trauma, old and new, and support the body to heal itself.
OCF can be applied to all ages, from the newborn baby to the aged. It can help settle down acute pain and injury as well as improve chronic conditions. Osteopaths can often incorporate OCF with structural treatment such as soft tissue techniques, stretching, and articulation.
