So personally, I don't mind running. I wouldn't say I LOVE it, but I actually don't mind it and I certainly know I feel better when I go for a run.
Let us take a second to ponder the millions of us who love to run! Good for you! What about those of us who have running goals and are aiming for their first 5km, 10km race? What about the loyal ParkRunners who get out every Saturday - rain, hail or shine? What about the bucket list Marathon or Ultra Marathon runners?!
If this is you, and you live to run and run to live, how many of these common runner's mistakes are you guilty of? How many of these can you tick off?

Training through an injury…even though you know you shouldn’t
Going out too fast
Ignoring the CORE…which is most of us
Wearing too many layers for a long run
Not warming up or down -- is this you? Click here for my runners warm up
Piling on the training before a race
Going out the night before…again
Not having regular treatments -- is this you? Book here!
Forgetting your gloves
Being negative about your ability and lacking confidence
Not factoring in rest or easy days
Not drinking enough water…before, during and after your run - Need more reasons to drink water? Have a read here
Not charging your phone or GPS watch
Going out too fast in a race
Not giving yourself a break…Mentally and physically
Not eating the right nutrients
Wearing the same trainers for years…even though the grip has gone and holes have appeared
Not cross-training or strength training
Running the same route every week
Being obsessed with what others are doing and comparing yourself
Overeating after your long run…we’ve all been there
Not giving yourself enough time after an injury
Forgetting to take a loo roll to a race
Trying our new runners or socks on the race day!
How many did you tick? This blog "Common Running Mistakes " was written by Whole Health Osteopath Dr Jess. Whole Health Osteopathy was established in 2017 and is located at 855 Plenty Road, South Morang, 3752.