If you've complained to me about low back pain, it's likely I've treated your hamstrings! Seems weird right? Well, have a read about why it's relevant to your low back pain!
One of the most common injuries in sports is the hamstring strain, as the hamstring muscles are very susceptible to tears and strains.
The hamstrings are a group of three muscles located on the back of the thigh that are responsible for several functions, including hip extension, knee flexion, and stabilization of the lower body during movement. In relation to the low back, the hamstrings can have both a positive and negative impact.
On one hand, strong and flexible hamstrings can help to support the low back and prevent injury. When the hamstrings are tight or weak, they can create imbalances in the body and might increase the risk of low back pain or injury. This is because the hamstrings attach to the pelvis and the lower leg, which means that they help to stabilize the pelvis and keep it in alignment with the spine.
On the other hand, if the hamstrings are excessively tight, they can pull on the pelvis and create an anterior pelvic tilt, which can increase the curvature of the lumbar spine and put pressure on the low back. This can cause low back pain and other issues.
In summary, the function of the hamstrings in relation to the low back is to provide support and stability, but they can also cause problems if they are tight or weak. It is important to maintain proper hamstring flexibility and strength through stretching and exercise to support a healthy low back.
For more information on hamstring strains, click here